Rates Schedule Effective June 1st, 2024. The following rates are established and governed by Glacier Electric's Board of Trustees. This list is only an abbreviated version. All rates and policies are subject to change.
Residential Rates
Monthly base charge $31.00
kWh charge : $0.0792
Available to residential consumers for all uses subject to rules and regulation of the Cooperative.
General Rate
Monthly base charge $32.00
kWh charge:$0.0792
Available to all non-residential accounts with a service of 200 amps or less.
The minimum charge is either the monthly base charge, or a minimum specifically established by a line extension contract. This is billed even if no kilowatt hours are used.
Small Commercial Demand Rate
Monthly Base Charge: $38.00
KWH Charge:$0.0696/kWh
KW Demand Charge:$5.00 KW
Available to non-residential accounts with service greater than 200 amps.
Large Commercial Rate
Monthly base charge: $90.00
KwH Charge: $0.0610/kWh
KW Demand Charge: $9.00/kW
Available for existing services with a 1,000 kva transformer or higher.
Co-Gen Rate
Monthly Base Charge: $38.00
KWH Charge:$0.0696/kWh
KW Demand Charge:$5.00 KW
Maximum of 15kW
Seasonal Charge for Small Commercial and Residential (Effective October 1, 2016)
A Seasonal Charge account is defined as any service that has been requested to be turned off by the member and is then requested by the same member, to be turned back on within twelve (12) consecutive months.
Disconnection: $50
Reconnection: $50 and the prior month(s) back base charge from the initial disconnection month up to 12 months.
In Effect October 1, 2016
Seasonal Charge for Small Commercial & Residential Agreement Form
Oil Wells
Monthly Base Charge: $38.00
kVa charge:$3.00/kVa
kWh charge: $0.0653/kWh
Public Street- Protective Lighting
All Wattages: $12.50/month - $150/year
Installation - new light, installed on existing pole: $150.00
Installation- new light, new pole and overhead service: $400.00
Irrigation Rate (effective January 1, 2023)
Monthly Base Charge: $38.00
kWh Charge: $0.065
Demand Charge: $4.00/kw
Commercial Electric Vehicle Charging Station
Monthly Base Charge: $38.00
Installed KVA Charge: $3.00 per KVA monthly charge
kWh Charge: Current small commercial rate